
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Full Update

First of all, for those of you who were following this blog, I want to apologize for the extreme lack of activity. Let me try to explain.

A couple of years ago, my ex and I split up. She took the kids and I went to live with a friend of mine. His house did not have anyplace to put any plants.

Well, that is not 100% true. I did have two plants in my bedroom window. Neither got very big because they were in plastic cups.

One was a tomato plant and the other was a pepper plant. The tomato plant ended up dying, but the pepper plant just kept growing straight up with very little side growth.

I had finally transplanted it into a three foot long by six inch wide by one foot deep concrete planter. I did not want to put it there, because the water meter was there, as was another plant already there. However, I did not have any choice.

The pepper plant did very well, but then the water company came and concreted in the water meter and they ended up encasing the base of the plant. Bye bye pepper plant.

Skip ahead to present day.

I currently live in a different house with a lot more room to plant and a lot of sunlight. I started a Facebook page for Green Thumb Gary and the updates all go there now. I am not saying that this page will die. I am just saying that I do not know if I will have the time to write full blog posts for this site. So, I encourage you all to move over to the Facebook site.

Also, I am in the process of completing a Green Thumb Gary YouTube channel. So, watch out for that.