
Friday, January 8, 2016

Growing Romaine Lettuce from seed

December 29, 2015

I was going stir crazy sitting in the house, so I took a ride to the mall. I didn't really need anything nor did I have an agenda. I was really just going to walk around and browse. As usual, I ended up in Ace Hardware. IMAGINE THAT!  I get there so infrequently that when I do go I tend to just look at every aisle. Naturally, I discovered the gardening aisle. Much to my chagrin it was not a gardening section. Oh well. So, I took a few minutes to look at all the products and when I turned to look at the products on the shelf behind me....BINGO!  Seeds!

At this point I want to add a bit of backstory. I have been looking for certain seeds for a while now. Lettuce seeds was definitely high up on that list. We don't exactly have too many nurseries in this area, so I was checking sites online. I was hesitant to buy from a Filipino online seed dealer because the prices were almost double what they should have been. Add in shipping and handling and you lost me as a customer.  So, when I saw lettuce on that hook, I immediately grabbed a pack.

I looked around a bit more and considered a few of the other seeds, but in the end the lettuce was the only seeds I bought.  I also bought some coconut coir to mix into my soil to loosen it up and to help it to hold moisture better. The last thing I purchased was a new spray bottle because my old one got broken. This turned out to be a blessing because the new one is bigger than the old one.

Getting back on topic, as I write this I realized I won't be planting these right away. I need to make some nitrogen rich compost first. Well, I guess technically I don't have to, but I would like to have it ready to go. Maybe I will do a test batch. Well, whatever I decide you can be assured that I will post updates.